CCFM Committees
Committees meet approximately nine times in a calendar year, from September through May. The Conference calls are usually an hour or less. Except where noted, service to a committee is one year. If you are interested in serving on a committee, email us at

Conference Planning and Education
This committee is made up of the previous conference’s host, the upcoming host arch/diocesan representative, our meeting planner, our managing director with the CCFM Board Vice President chairing the committee. CCFM members are invited and encouraged to join this committee.
Their mission is to create and plan an awesome conference experience for our members! They are largely responsible for the educational sessions – striving to have a focus on facility, construction, real estate and sustainability.
This committee is open to religious members only.
Our Finance Committee is chaired by the CCFM Board Treasurer and populated with three other Religious Members. A background in finance is a must. This committee meets quarterly, has a three year commitment and reviews all financial documents, bank activity, and manages the financial review of the books every year.
This committee is open to religious members only.
Member Relations
This committee seeks ways to better serve CCFM Membership, both Religious and Corporate. They help guide matters of communication: print, electronic, and social media.
This committee is open to both religious members and corporate Members.
Strategic Planning
This committee works with our strategic plan document, available on the website. It is populated by board members and is an adhoc committee that is employed as changes throughout the life of this organization require updates to the plan.
This committee is not open to general membership at this time.
This committee is chaired by a Board Director and is responsible for tracking the Board Member terms, evaluating the terms both up for re-election and for stepping down. They identify the skills and needs the new vacancy leaves and seek to fill it with a new qualified CCFM Member to fill the vacancy. This committee is responsible for putting the slate together for Board approval and eventually, member voting.
This committee is open to religious members only.