I was first made aware of CCFM by the Department of Property & Assets in the Archdiocese of Hartford.
I have attended several webinars that have helped me understand and more easily purvey vital information to our parish council and finance council.
The first webinar I attended was the “Natural Disaster Preparedness Planning.” This opened my eyes to the necessary information each Church should have on hand and the communication chain for employees and management. The presenters were very professional and informative on the importance, value and specifics needed in the event of a disaster. It was powerful and enlightening. The presenters gave specific directions on how to go about gathering information, and in what order and manner to maintain it.
The “Boiler Basics and Best Practices” was also detailed and informative. I had the Pastor and grounds maintenance crew review the information. We consistently have repair issues with the Church boiler system and this brought to light knowledge of some of these issues as well as guided our understanding on what will be necessary in the event of its replacement.
My all-time favorite webinar was the “Water Infiltration, Problems and How to Mitigate and Repair.” The very knowledgeable presenters helped me understand easily and in detail what is needed for foundation repairs. The diagrams, with their detail and notations, buttoned up my understanding. We are in the process of addressing Church foundation repairs in conjunction with becoming hooked up to the town’s sewer system. This was timely and very helpful.
I am grateful to be part of the CCFM Community. In a very short time, it has helped me do my job better and with more confidence.
– Mary Sacco, Business Manager, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Hamden, Connecticut

After receiving a link for a CCFM webinar from the Diocese of Orlando, I began attending the webinars. It was such a great help and I subsequently decided to join CCFM in order to have full access to the Resources on their website. In just a few short months, I’ve received substantial benefits and I’m looking forward to the conference!.
– Andrew Weed, Director of Facilities, Bishop Moore Catholic High School, Orlando, Florida

We are a small diocese with a small staff; we all wear many hats. I personally am responsible for human resources, safe environment, cemeteries and facility management. When I first heard about CCFM, I recognized it as a chance to learn from and network with professionals from other dioceses. CCFM has been a great resource to me — so much so, that I brought our retreat director to the last conference, so that we could bring back twice as much information. I found that CCFM gives you a great bang for the buck.
– Mike Wyse, the Chancellor of the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas

Sauder Worship Seating’s decade long partnership with CCFM helps us understand how to help property managers and facility managers within the Diocese satisfy any seating challenge as well as develop meaningful relationships with essential members of the diocesan team.
– Amanda Opdycke, Marketing Manager, Sauder Worship Seating

Two years ago, I had never heard of CCFM. For years, I had gone to seminars of various sorts, but I had never found an organization that so effectively zeroes in on our unique field. The things I need — bells, stained glass, historic roofing — the unique things that only religious communities deal with … CCFM already has connections and insight into those unique areas. After seeing the website, I knew CCFM was exactly what I had hoped to find.
– Mike Edgar, CFM National Director of Facility Services, Felician Sisters

CCFM has been an amazing way to keep up with the many and varied topics that relate to being a facilities manager in the Catholic Church. Where else can you learn about proper roofing techniques, stained glass window considerations, and canon law all in one conference? I have enjoyed the variety of educational topics at the conferences and have especially enjoyed getting involved with the Energy and Efficiency Committee. I’ve made many great connections with committee members and loved being able to present to the CCFM community on my passion of energy efficiency.